About Mut-History
Swamiji popularly known as Murige Swamiji II succeeded him and remained as
the head of Math upto 1729.A.D. He was honoured as the Raja-guru by the
rulers Baramanna Nayaka and his son Hire Madakari Nayaka(1721-48.A.D). He
was a profound scholar in both Kannada and Sanskrit and had poetic talent.
He has so many works in both the languages his credits.The Next
succeessors Swadi Channabasava Swamiji, Sirahatti Siddalinga Swamiji,
Nayakanahatti(Dodda)Gurupada Swamiji, Murusavirada(Sanna) Gurupada Swamiji,
were treated with respect as Raja-gurus by Hire Madakari Nayaka, (Kasturi
Rangappa Nayaka II (1748-54 AD) and the last Madakari Nayaka (1754-79AD)
the rulers of Chitradurga in the year 1779 A.D.,the heritage of the Math
Within two or three decades after
the establishment of the Math, hundreds of branch maths were established
in various parts of South India, due to the religious influence on the
people. The local public began to call the branch maths as "Virakta Maths"
and "Murige Maths", to show their devotion.
For these branch maths, the
rulers like those of Keladi, Kodagu(Coorg), Sode(Swadi), Harapanahalli,
Mattodu, Tarikere, Hagalawadi, Savanur, Sirasangi, Lakshmeswara, Mysore,
Ummattur, Punganur, Kolhapur, etc., including Muslim Nawabs and the
subjects of all communities showed respect and released so many grants.
This clearly indicates the secularism and greatness of the Math. Remarks
of two western scholars of the past century and the beginning of the
present century are also the clear evidences for the prominence and
the high position of the Math. Edward P. Rice author of " A
History of Canarese Literature" states that "Lingayatism was the
state religion of the early Wodeyars of Mysore and of Ummatur from
1399-1610 and of the Nayaks of Keladi (Ikkeri or Bednur) from 1550-1763.
Their Principal Matha in the Mysore country is at Chitradurga". Edgar
Thurston who made a survey of "Tribes and castes of South India".,
writing on the Lingayat Maths has pointed out that "Each Virakta Math is
directly subject to teh Murige Math at Chitaldurga(Chitradurga), which has
absolutely jurisdiction over all the Viraktas"
Starting from Sri Murige Swamiji-I
to the present Sri Shivamurthy Murugha Sharanaru, twenty pontiffs have
adorned the religious seat of the Math.